
Winter Session with the Fensterer + Chesters!

Sara is a great friend of mine.  She is one of those chicks who always has a smile on her face and something great to say.  I just love those kinds of people!  Positivity is my jam.  Plus she's smart.  Like, really smart.  

Sara contacted me in the fall wanting to do a session with her siblings, Matt and Mae and her hubs, Josh.  They book a family session about every 5 years as a Christmas gift for their parents.  Which is why it's February and you're just seeing these images....

Josh has a lot in common with my husband, so I like him a lot โ˜บ  I had never met Matt and Mae, but they are as sweet as Sara, of course.  That.  Mae.  Isn't she a doll?  

It was suuuuuper chilly the day that we shot.  But these guys are completely profesh.  And adorable, right?  I mean look at those faces โ™ฅ